Equip Foods Prime Plant Protein

Every once in a while it is nice to assess what your body needs and doesn’t need. All Long term WOE, like Keto need little adjustments every so often to keep you in optimal health.

These adjustments may be small, like upping your electrolyte intake or getting more sleep. But they can also be something big like cutting dairy out of your diet.

It’s all about listening to your body, doing your research and making healthy decisions.

If you are looking to cut dairy and fillers from your diet, you may want to check out Equip’s Prime Plants Protein Powder.

Prime Plants is a vegan-friendly protein powder made with whole-food nutrients that your body needs.

Prime Plants is a mix of four vegan-friendly plants (hemp, pumpkin, sacha inchi, and peas). Every scoop contains 15 grams of clean protein with out any chemicals or fillers. This supplement helps you body’s ability to build and repair bones, muscles, cartilage, and skin.

It also has MCTs!

MCT’s are this protein powder’s secret weapon. The MCT gives you an added energy and brain boost. It also helps the powder incorporate into shakes and smoothies nicely. It gives a wonderful creamy texture.

Remember, everyone’s body and goals are unique. Make sure that Prime Plants fit nicely into your macros before switching over.

Equip foods also sells Prime Protein made with Grass-Fed Beef, A Keto Friendly Pre-Workout and More! And don’t forget, you can get 20% off all Equip Foods with the code KETOINTHECITY at checkout.