Perfect Keto Bars Launch Nov. 5th

Over the last 5 years, the protien/snack bar industry has become massive. There are thousands of different products. But even with all of these options, it is still really hard to find a keto bar that I am confident in.

I want something that is convenient, taste good, has a low glycemic impact, and is not full of Chemicals and fillers.

On Nov. 5th Perfect Keto is launching thier new product, Perfect Keto Snack Bars. I am so excited to try them. If they are anything like the other Perfect Keto products, they are going to be incredible.

Normally I wouldn't blog about something I haven't tried yet. But I wanted to let you in on the big launch event they are having next week.

If you follow This Link, you can sign up for a reminder email and a huge discount on these Keto Bars on Nov. 5th.

Perfect Keto Snack Bars have 19g of fat, 10g of protein from collagen, and 3g of net carbs.

The ingredients are:

  • Almond and cacao butter
  • Coconut oil
  • Collagen
  • And a touch of sea salt and stevia
  • Sunflower Lechtin
  • Soluble Tapioca Fiber
  • Organic Cocoa

Finally a Snack Bar with whole food ingredients!

I cannot wait to try these Perfect Keto Snack Bars and give you a full review of the product. But in the mean time, make sure to sign up for the Discount and Reminder so you don't miss out on some amazing savings.

GET A REMINDER AND DISCOUNT CODE for Perfect Keto's new Snack Bars and be the first to try them out.

While you're there, shop around. You can get 20% off of your entire order of Perfect Keto when you use the discount code: KETOINTHECITY.