Keto Kookie is now NUI! And I'm Giving Nui Keto Cookies Away

Did you guys hear Keto Kookie is now called Nui (rhymes with chewy!) and they have this BEAUTIFUL new packaging?!!

They are the same keto cookies with a new look! They still have all of the same flavors that we love: Chocolate Chip, peanut butter, double chocolate and snickerdoodle. And they are all made with grass-fed butter and MCT oil. 

Unfortunately, Nui low sugar keto snack cookies sold out of all of the flavors within 24 hours of launching the new branding!

Fortunately, I have an ooey, chewy, NUI surprise for all of you! I'm giving away a bunch of these delicious keto friendly cookies to one of you! πŸ’–πŸŽ‰πŸ’–All you have to do to enter is: 

1. Like my Instagram Post about the Nui Giveaway

2. Follow @eatnui (and me!)

3. Tag as many cookie loving friends you can think of in separate comments πŸ’–β €

I'll choose 1 lucky winner on Friday and that cookie lover will receive a box of each flavor of Nui cookies! U.S. winners only for this one! πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

nui keto double chocolate
chocolate chip keto

If you don't win this time, you can alway go to for updates about when their next batch will be available and don't forget to use KETOINTHECITY for 10% off your order of Nui cookies.

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chocolate keto cookie nui