My Keto Answer to a Pumpkin Spiced Latte

Happy October!

Normally the first week in October in LA is 105 degrees, but this year we have been enjoying crisp mornings and cooler evenings! This cooler weather is making me super excited for Fall! I’ve brought my Sweaters out of summer storage and am craving warm and creamy coffee drinks instead of my Summer Time Iced Coffee!

I came across this awesome recipe for a Keto Pumpkin Spiced Latte the other day and wanted to share it with you! It is perfect for extra cold mornings or as a “desk treat”. A “desk treat” is what I like to call anything that makes working long hours at your desk easier. I keep all of the ingredients for this Keto Pumpkin Spiced Latte in my work’s kitchen. Then I pump up some music, enjoy my latte, and dive back into work with new energy!




  1. Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender and mix on high until frothy.

  2. Garnish with extra pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and cacao powder if desired.


This Perfect Keto Pumpkin Spiced Latte is so much more than just a distraction from work.

Perfect Keto’s Mocha Keto Instant Coffee has MCT Oil Powder in it. Pair that with Cacoa and Caffeine and you have a super latte that helps Improve Cognitive Function, keeps you full for longer, and contains a ton of Antioxidants!

I don’t know what I would do without Keto Coffee! I love finding new flavor combinations and ways to get the most Keto Bang for my buck! This Keto Pumpkin Spiced Latte is perfect for Chilly weather and a wonderful new flavor for Fall!
