KETO RECIPE: My Favorite Berry Avocado Keto Smoothie

This is my all-time favorite keto smoothie! I know that it is good for me (it is packed with healthy fats, greens, and berries), but honestly, I eat it because it tastes like ice cream. I use full fat coconut milk, avocado, fresh spinach, berries, ice cubes, and Perfect Keto Collagen. 

Because of all of the healthy fats, this recipe whips up into the creamiest, lightest mixture. It is not heavy or hard to finish like most healthy smoothies. I make this on the go to enjoy as I drive or as an afternoon snack on a hot day. 

Normally, I use Perfect Keto's Peaches and Cream Base in this recipe, but recently I have been adding the Vanilla Collagen instead. 

Collagen is the protein that holds our bodies together. It supports the integrity of our skin, muscles, tendons, and bones. Unfortunately, as we age our bodies stop making as much collagen. So it is important to add collagen to our diets.

Perfect Keto's Collagen Powder is a keto-friendly protein powder that works really well in shakes and even has some MCT in it to give a boost of energy. The Vanilla Collagen does not effect the texture or taste of this smoothie. There is absolutely no chalkiness or weird protein taste. It enhances the flavor without being overpowering and the benefits are amazing. I feel full and energized for hours. 

I don't think I will ever get sick of this smoothie. The first bite always makes me dance around my kitchen. 


Get the full recipe to my Berry Avocado Smoothie in my cookbook, The Easy 5-Ingredient Ketogenic Diet Cookbook.